Saturday, November 5, 2011

Saturday, November 5, 2011: A Day Early But Still a Dollar Short, LOL!

Sunday, October 30, 2011: This week was pretty uneventful. I kept checking in with my body to see what it felt like to lose 10 pounds. Not much different, but just knowing it was a relief. I have a lot of half-pound weights at home. I've put the equivalent amount of weight that I want to lose in one bag and am transferring to another bag the equivalent amount of weight I've lost. Physically (i.e., when I pick up the bag), a pound, no less 10 pounds, physically feels like much more weight than the number itself conjures in my mind. It's a relief to know I'm on my way to making my goal weight of 140 pounds (maybe less). See today's entry for boggglement and confusion, though.

Monday,  October 31, 2011: What can I say? It was a day. Still continuing throughout the week to stay within the "regular" 29 points range. Signed up at the YMCA for two personal training sessions to get advice on different ways to work my core muscles.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011: It was another day. Started to get nervous about the Al-Anon meeting starting up on Friday night.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011: Yet another day. More obsessing and worrying.

Thursday, November 3, 2011: More of the same. Didn't think much about sugar, flour, or weight loss though. Decide to play around around again with meditating twice a day and am fairly successful :-)

Friday, November 4, 2011: Put together the resources I needed to take to the new Al-Anon meeting: binder with opening and closing, basket for collection money, pen, and book to record telephone list at each meeting. I let the outcome up to God now; I did my footwork. Was flabbergasted that we had a total of 22 people, including myself and the speaker, attend a 6:30 pm meeting! I knew my Al-Anon district needed a Friday night meeting, but I didn't think I'd get many people for a 6:30 to 7:30 time slot. Then again, maybe some of the people just came out of curiosity. I hope not though. Now I'm worrying about getting another chairperson for December (I've done more than my part, and it's time for someone else to step up to the plate). When will I get it through my head that I don't have to worry? Just ask God for what I need; do the footwork; and let go of the outcome. After all, He did put a woman at the meeting whom I had wanted to speak at the meeting on the third Friday but whose phone number I had lost and voila! I now have the speaker I wanted :-) Gad, why do I even bother to worry? Mental masturbation? Nah, just my control issues popping up again. BTW, the "dollar short" in the post title refers to the fact that I've now gone a second (nonconsecutive) week without work. I refuse to worry about that, too. I know how to market myself to new clients; I just need to come up with a campaign and do it. I hate it, but just for today, I can do something for 12 hours that would appall me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime! Had my weekly mini-binge, but since I didn't use many of my extra points, it was a minor event :-)

Today, Saturday, November 5, 2011: According to the Weight Watcher's scale I stepped on today, I gained 2.2 pounds this week. There was much confusion because I forgot my log-in weight booklet, and my info is not stored on the computer, so my teacher and the other gal there today were trying to log me into the computer (something they obviously don't do very often), and they initially had me at a weight loss of 5.8 pounds! I knew that absolutely wasn't right, so they weighted me again and came up with a weight, which when I put the sticker in my booklet at home and compared it with last week's weight, was 2.2 pounds heavier. I don't think that's right either, so I'm going to take a gander at my weight on my home scale tomorrow, just for a "reality check." I guess I'll have to wait for next week to see what the scale really says!

TTYNW!  (Talk to you next week)

1 comment:

  1. love hearing about your success, Lisa. you are growing (make that shrinking) by leaps & bounds! keep up the great work.
