Saturday, February 5, 2011

02/05/2011: This Post is a Humdinger!

Three days' worth of (non) food:

02/02/11: Bed at 2:30 am/up at 10:30 am
God time? No
[P] Egg white
[P] Sausage
[V] Brussels sprouts
[V] Tuscan vegetable soup
[V] Tuscan vegetable soup
[F] Apple
[F] Polaner all Fruit
[F] X
[St] Kashi
[St] Brown rice
[St] Ezekiel English muffin
[D] Skim milk
[D] Skim milk
[Sn] GF/SF muffin
[Sn] GF/SF muffin
[W] Six cups (including tea w/ creamer [x 2]
02/03/11: Bed at 10:30 pm/up at 7:00 pm
God time? Yes
[P] Egg white
[P] Chicken
[V] Carrots and string beans
[V] Cole slaw
[V] X
[F] Apple
[F] X
[F] X
[St] Kashi
[St] Rice
[D] Skim milk
[D] Skim milk
[Sn] Home-made GF/SF muffins (x 2)
[Sn] X
[Nightfood bar] Yes [x 2]
[W] Two cups

02/04/11: Didn't track 

Well, I'm finally gonna spill my little cup of beans (if you haven't already figured it out): I work a 12-step program. It's called "Al-Anon," and it's a support group for friends and family (and employers, employees, girlfriends, and boyfriends, etc.) of alcoholics. It's a bitch of a program to work, but I have lots of people working it right alongside me, so I'm not alone, and it's been among the handful of most worthwhile things I've ever done in my 50 years of life (one of them being able to get through my murderous rage at my abusive alcoholic father and forgive him). There's a junior version called "Alateen" (same link). If you have any negative feelings about anyone at all who drinks even the smallest amount of alcohol, you can go there and get help. It works (if you work it). Don't judge yourself. If drinking or the effects of drinking bother you on any level, give it a try.

I wanted to share this information before but had to get comfortable with blogging first. Since Al-Anon (i.e., the program) has been so vital to my existence (responsible for it in fact), it has to be a part of this blog, or this blog wouldn't be "me."

Although I consciously chose to become a Christian a couple of years ago (2 years this past Christmas), Al-Anon will forever be my church of choice and Jesus my Higher Power. To me, the program is basically a support group for change, healing, forgiveness, and repentance. I wouldn't be putting myself "out there" like this if I hadn't finished my Ninth Step in the program. Doing so released a lot of pent-up psychic energy that had to go somewhere, and since I turn my life and my will over to Jesus every day in Step Three, that energy has to go somewhere good and healthy. Hence, this experiment (part of my overall recovery) and this blog.

Whew, now I can really be myself here! I will be linking a lot to Al-Anon (or "the program"), but I promise not to do it more than once per post per phrase, OK? If my miserable little blog can lead just one person to any kind of recovery, then I'll be a happy puppy :-)

See you soon!

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